A video tutorial and some written instructions….
Hello Stampers and thanks for stopping by.
A few months ago, I participated in a swap with other Canadian Demonstrators. I usually do this with the release of every catalogue and there are two different groups that I swap with. Oh wait.. you may be wondering what a swap is…. let me back up a bit.
A swap is where you make the same number of cards (depending on number in the group) and send out the same card to everyone in the group. Then you receive cards back from everyone in the swap. It is a great way to get ideas for product in the catalogue that is being focused on. And in reality, we can’t own EVERYTHING in the catalogue, so you end up with a variety of samples. The two swaps above are mail-in swaps (you send the cards directly to the people in the group).
Now.. when you attend a Stampin’ Up! event, the swaps are in person. I will be heading to Leadership soon and have signed up for an organized swap. That will be 20 cards and it is with an organized group of Demonstrators, with specific guidelines (the theme I am in is for Christmas). Plus.. there is general swapping. This is where you make as many cards as you want and swap with anyone. It is kind of fun to watch people do the general swap. Heck… if you run into a Demonstrator on their way to an event, you can swap anywhere.. airports, taxi’s, hotels. It is fun to watch. The general swap is at a Stampin’ Up! Welcome Social the night before Leadership starts. OK.. enough about swaps.
The tutorial I have today is one of the swaps from the release of the catalogue back in May. Time to share.. right?
If you want to check out the Video Tutorial, click on the picture… it should open up to the Video on YouTube.

And if you would like the download for the Measurements, it has been filed right here on the Blog, under Tutorials. Click on Tutorials and a drop down box will open up… or click HERE
Thanks for stopping by today. Your support here and on the Tube is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for stopping by,Elizabeth, Your Stampin' Up! Demonstrator